Transport-DC is an on-demand alternative to Metro Access service.  This service is sponsored, funded and administered by the Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV). YCDC is one of three service providers selected by DFHV to provide this critical service.  All policies, operating guidelines and pricing are set by DFHV.

Here is a summary of the current program

  1. Transport DC customers can take up to ten (10) one-way trips a month for any purpose to any destination within the District.
  2. Dialysis trips do not count towards the 10-trip monthly limit
  3. The user subsidy payment is $7 per trip
  4. All trip requests will be for same-day service only (pre-scheduled trips are not allowed).

Click for FAQ on the upcoming program changes

Click for TDC Program Guide

For further information and details please visit the Transport DC website at, or visit us on Facebook ( or Twitter (@DC_DFHV), email or call 202-645-7300.

Hours of Operation: The overall hours of operation are 24 hours a day/7 days a week. All trips must be made through the central TDC line at 1-844-322-7732 (you must dial "1" from a landline phone).

Pool Ride: Pool Ride is not offered.

30-minute service level: Service provider has up to 30-minutes to provide service from the scheduled pickup time.  If the designated provider cannot meet the established 30-minute service level they must transfer the trip to another provider within 20-minutes and inform the passenger that the trip was transferred to another provider.

Companion rider: Companions are welcome to accompany Transport DC participant at no additional charge.

One-Way Fare: Each one-way trip is $7.00, which can be paid by cash, credit card or debit card

Priority wheelchair accessible taxicab use: Priority use of wheelchair accessible vehicle is given to Transport DC participants.

MetroAccess compatibility: Transport DC drivers require participants' MetroAccess ID number at time of service. MetroAccess payment processes remain the same. Transport DC participation does not affect MetroAccess eligibility.

MetroAccess eligibility: Please contact WMATA for issues regarding MetroAccess eligibility. Call (202) 962-1100 or email

Schedule your ride: Call 1-844-322-7732 to book a new ride or check on the status of the ride

Service Providers:  Yellow Cab (202) 544-0912; Capitol Cab (202) 398-0500; VIP Cab (202) 269-9000

Your feedback is valuable: For Transport DC program user group meeting attendance email DFHV staff is available during office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, except on District Holidays. Call (202) 645-7300 and press option "5"

Submit Transport DC complaints here. or mail or hand carry complaint to Department of For-Hire Vehicles, 2235 Shannon Place, SE, Suite 2001, Washington, DC 20020. You can also email or call (202) 645-7300 and press option "1"